Lambda Pi 2002 Reunion Agenda

Lambda Pi 2002 Reunion Agenda


"Lambda Pi brothers from the 50’s will be making a huge showing at this year’s reunion!  Sandy Beck, Wayne Tarr, Ed Kimball, Charlie Moss and about 5-6 others have stepped up and have taken it upon themselves to contact all of the Pi’s from their era.  I didn’t even have to ask them at all.  They called me and told me what they were going to do!  I think a monster has been unleashed!  These 50’s guys have taken over this reunion!  They’re responsible for organizing most of this year’s schedule of events – the golf, the dinner dance.  I am so excited about their enthusiasm and involvement.

One of the key objectives for this year’s Board was to get more participation from all of the eras.  For the last 4-5 years or so, the guys from the mid to late 60’s and the guys from the early 80’s have carried the Alumni Association.  With the guys from the 50’s coming back big-time, I really think it’s going to happen! It just takes one or two guys from each pledge class to make a difference and these guys from the 50’s are going to make that difference."

-Mike Strand (Fall, 1964)
Lambda Pi Association

Friday, October 11, 2002

  • 12:00 PM Friday Golf – Contact Joe Belden for details email:
  • 5:00 PM  Alums and spouses informal gathering at the new Lambda Pi House at 432 Cedar (Phone; 530/893-3725)(5th and Cedar and three blocks south of Oasis)
  • 7:00 PM  Hamburgers, etc. at the Oasis (phone:  343-4305)  alumni and spouses

Saturday, October 12, 2002

  • 8:00 AM  Alumni Golf at Butte Creek Country Club - $50 person (includes ½ cart and range balls)  o
    • To sign up: Make checks out to “Butte Creek Country Club” and mail to:  Frank Larrabee (S56), 26 Kirk Way, Chico, CA 95928
      • Email: If you have an email address, email it to Frank Larrabee at: so that he can email you whether you got a slot and what time your tee time is.  If you have a couple of brothers you want to play with, you should all mail your checks and contact info together in one envelope (note: one member of the club must play with each group and several will be Pis)  o Note:  sign up ASAP as golf is limited to the first 24 signing up and we expect it to fill up fast.
  • 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM – Annual Meeting -- Lambda Pi Alumni Association
    • IMPORTANT – Once a year we meet to plan our future and elect officers; PLEASE plan to attend this very important 90 minute meeting for the future of Lambda Pi; it is only held once a year.  Meet fellow Brothers and learn what is happening with the new active group, our new fraternity house, and what plans your Alumni Association has for the future.
    • Special Guest Speaker Dr. Paul Moore – University Vice President for Student Affairs (including Greek relations).  Paul will speak for a few minutes about the successful rejuvenation of Lambda Pi on campus and its leadership position regarding the establishment of a responsible alcohol policy.  He will also comment on “The State of University” and answer questions.
    • Meeting Location:  On Chico campus at Sylvester’s on the Creek Café (old dorm cafeteria behind main admin Kendall Hall). Note:  On campus you MAY park in ANY restricted parking spaces on weekend; restrictions enforced weekdays
  • 2:30 PM -  Informal Alumni Gathering at the new fraternity house – 432 Cedar Street (corner of 5th & Cedar – phone: 530/893- 3725) (Spouses welcome)
  • 4:00 PM – Decade Get-Togethers
    • 1950s/early ‘60s:  Holiday Inn Chico – Lobby Bar (may start at 3:00 PM)
    • 1960s:   John D’Anna’s 3rd Annual Bash – his house at 3 Kingston, Chico 95926 (530) 345-6066
    • 1970s, 1980s, 1990s:  Hosted by Ron Solomon, Louie Andreni, Randy Mora, Cliff Bates, and Craig Bates at the new fraternity house at 432 Cedar.
  • 7:00 PM – Lambda Pi Annual Alumni Reunion Banquet
    • Where:  Holiday Inn – 685 Manzantia Court, Chico, CA 95926 Phone: 530/345-2491 (corner of Cohasset & Manzanita or Highway 99 at Cohasset exit)
    • Who:  Lambda Pi Alumni, spouses, friends, children  o What:  Brotherhood like you wouldn’t believe, old photos, singing of Lambda Pi songs (OK so you can’t remember—we’ll have copies of the words)
    • Cost:  $45 per person (Includes a fine dinner, followed by singing of the Lambda Pi songs, followed by dancing or listening to “Oldies But Goodies” with a former Lambda Pi Pioneer Week party DJ.
    • Banquet space is limited to the first 200 so send in your reservations ASAP.  Make check to “Lambda Pi Alumni Association” & mail check ($45 per person) and names to:
      • “Ozark Ed” Kimball (Spring, 1958)
        c/o La Hacienda Restaurant
        2635 The Esplande
        Chico, CA 95973
        Phone:  530/893-8270

Need A Room?

Need a room?   Move quickly as Oct 12 is Homecoming Weekend at Chico and hotel rooms may be scarce so either contact a local brother to stay with or make a reservation via the limited block of rooms we reserved.  They will go fast so make your accommodations ASAP.

  • Holiday Inn – Chico – ‘50s Alumni Group (call 1-800/310-2491 and ask for "Lambda Pi Reunion")
  • Heritage Inn Express (530-343-4527):  contact Craig Bates for info at 209/321-1508 or Randy Mora at 707/584-3166; only 2 rooms left
  • Oxford Suites – Chico – Call 1-800/870-7848 and ask for one of two Pi blocks of reservations:
    • '50s Group - Group # 1011 ask for "Tarr Group"
    • '60s Group – Group # 2112 ask for "Lambda Pi Group".

1950's Challenge

Wayne Tarr (Fall, ’58) has issued the following challenge to the “younger” brothers:  “So far here are a few of the ‘50s guys coming: Sandy Beck, Sherman Kirchmeier, Mike Miller, Burt Whittaker, Norm Wilson, Phil Mickelson, Lee & Ross Deter, Bill Jeter, Joy Graham (Homecoming Queen & Honorary Lambda Pi), Frank Larrabee, Don Strom, David Schaller, Charlie Moss, Ed Kimball, Ken Miller, Ken Stofle, Mighty Mike Kelly, Bob Steiner, Dave Stathem and many others that pledged between 1953 and 1962. I know that we should have over 50 of the older crew and hope the younger pledges from ’62 on can match the older ones in number and enthusiasm, good luck. Get the word out!” Wayne Tarr (El Libre Sheriff candidate)

Lambda Pi Website

Check out “Members Listing” to find lost brothers; always check your listing to make sure it is current and correct (click “Update/ Change”, enter your name, and then when you see your listing go to far right column and click “Update”).  We will post more info on the BIG Reunion periodically to check back frequently.  Website:

To Best Enjoy The Reunion

Scan for brothers you know, check your paddle and yearbook and call your pledge brothers to get them to join you in Chico.  To find brothers, call Directory Assistance for their last city or parents’ home city, search the Internet, ask other brothers who they know, etc.  Once you get their info, enter it into our website database.  If you don’t have all their info, enter “none” in blank fields because every field needs an entry (zip requires a numeric entry like “12345”).  Guys:  this reunion is getting big and a lot of guys re-connecting and it will a “classy” reunion and tremendous amount of fun; DON’T MISS IT!

NOTE:  Please bring pictures from your Lambda Pi days, yearbooks, paddles, and the names & addresses of any alumni you have.  We will enter them into the Lambda Pi website database during the annual business meeting, at the new fraternity house activities, and at the Banquet.

For more information, contact:
Joe Belden
Belden Hutchison & Co., LLP, 125 E. Baker St. #280, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel: (714) 556-8140


2001 Lambda Pi Reunion. (Back yard of Fraternity House)

2001 Reunion Attendees

Louis Andreini Larry Bassow Craig Bates
Sandy Beck Joe Belden Keith Billeter
Don Brenan Matt Brewster Grant Codiga
Dale Cooper Dick Cooper John D'Anna
Lynn DeArmond Joe Derrah Rawly Douglas
Mick Freese Wally Gibson Dave Girsch
Mark Guinne Brad Hall John Hair
Rod Haas Brian Herndon John Johnson
Bob Kohen Fred Knoles Tim Kumasaki
Ken Lange Erric Larrabee Jim McClean
Dave Mitchell Gary Moe Sal Monforte
Carl Montelero Randy Mora Rex Mosley
DJ Muzulo Dan Ostrander Mark Pendley
Eric Pettinger Delbert Raby Larry Ray
Chris Rice Sal Sanfilippo Charlie Schaupp
Mark Schue Mike Sherk Steve sneringer
Ron Soloman Rick Souza Ben Strand
Mike Strand Fred Tarr Wayne Tarr
Jim "Fun" White Greg Whitehouse Larry Wolfe
Rhett Wolfe Tom Wong Frank Wright
Spencer Yarwood Randy Yergenson Doug Yeggy
Dick Young

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