On Saturday, October 9, 1999, the annual Homecoming meeting of the Lambda Pi Alumni Association was called to order by President Carl Martellaro at 11:00am at the Canyon Oaks Country Club in Chico, California. The agenda included a welcome by Mr. Martellaro, followed by a current event report by Secretary Richard Hardin.
Mr. Hardin outlined the proper and positive decorum expected of the attending members, responded to a prior inquiry circulated by alumni member Jim "Fun" White and reported on events surrounding the foreclosure and sale of the Lambda Pi Fraternity house at 3rd & Ivy streets in Chico.
The Treasurer's report followed, with Treasurer Joe Kelly reviewing with the members the closing escrow statement from the sale of the House, and the current financial statements of the alumni association.
At this point, Mr. Martellaro attempted to proceed with the agenda to ask the members to ratify the application made by the alumni board of governors to the IRS for Tax Free status. Alumni member Ron Solomon moved to alter the agenda and have the assembled group take up the question of the future of the fraternity, rebuilding the active body and possibly acquiring a new fraternity house. Discussion among the attendees followed, with the specific motion failing. Mr. Solomon moved again to alter the agenda and proceed with the immediate election of the board of governors. The motion was seconded and passed on a show of hands with 33 members voting in favor and 24 opposed.
Nominations were opened for the office of president. The two nominations were Jim Callendar and Ron Solomon. Each candidate was given the traditional "two minutes" (which lasted much longer, including digressions) and a vote ensued. Mr. Solomon was declared the winner based on an evident show of hands over Mr. Callendar. At this point, Mr. Solomon took over the meeting and Mr. Martellaro retired. Nominations were opened for Secretary.
There were multiple nominations for the office of Secretary, but all declined save Dr. Jim Engler. He accepted the nomination based on condition that if elected, he would have assistance in that office. Craig "Larry" Pollock and Kevin Donnelly agreed to assist Dr. Engler and he was elected by acclaimation of the assembled members.
Again by virtue of overwhelming acclaimation of the members, Mr. Joseph Kelly was retained as the treasurer and nominations were opened for the two remaining officers of the board of directors. After declinations, the remaining nominees were Jim Callendar, Craig Bates and Bob Tobias agreeing to be the alternate should either Mr. Callendar or Mr. Bates remain unavailable during the year.
At this point the election of the board of governors concluded and the membership returned to the remaining agenda item, ratification of the Tax Free Status application with placed with the IRS. Spencer Yarwood moved to table the ratification agenda item until the board can discover more about it. During discussion, Joe Kelly amended the motion, which amendment was accepted by Mr. Yarwood, that the board of governors currently accept the application of tax free status and after more discovery possibly vote to revert from that status. This concluded the Old Business portion of the agenda.
Mr. Martellaro announced at this point that members who had tee times at Butte Creek Country Club should leave at that time to meet their appointed times. Several members left the meeting at that time.
New Business proceeded as Mr. Solomon lead the discussion with his desire to attempt a revivification of the fraternal active body. Eventually discussion centered on a motion by Greg Whitehouse that the board of governors and any willing participants set a target of Spring 2000 for a renewed Rush Week to include social events and adequate notice given to the fraternity alumni so that the membership can participate in reforming the Lambda Pi Fraternity Active Group. The motion was seconded and passed by overwhelming acclaimation.
There was a motion to adjourn which was seconded and passed after an announcement by Mr. Solomon that an ad hoc meeting continue afterwards to strategize the reformation of an active group. Those minutes are not included as part of the record of this official meeting.
Respectfully submitted for approval,
Kevin Donnelly, Fall 1984 Member